Mcdonalds Burn Lawsuit
McDonalds had received more than 700 previous reports of injury from its coffee including reports of third-degree burns and had paid settlements in some cases. Her lawsuit asked for 100000 in compensatory damages including for her pain and suffering and triple punitive damages. Here S What Really Happened With That Infamous Mcdonald S Hot Coffee Lawsuit On February 27 1992 79-year-old Stella Liebeck from Albuquerque New Mexico ordered a 49-cent cup of coffee from the drive-through window of a local McDonalds restaurant located at 5001 Gibson Boulevard SE. Mcdonalds burn lawsuit . Liebeck ordered coffee at a McDonalds drive-through in Albuquerque New Mexico in 1992. She spilled a cup of Mcdonalds coffee on her lap and was taken to hospital due to her burns. McDonalds only offered 800 leading her to file a lawsuit in 1994. Liebeck caused the burns herself by spilling the coffee and the jury in the case did attribute about 20 responsibility to her for this. At the surface it ...