How Much People Are In The World Right Now
This World and Country. The first billion was reached around 1800 and in just 200 years we reached 7 billion. So How Many People On The Internet Right Now By Dharamveer Singh Chouhan Medium The world population clock shows you in real time how fast its actually going. How much people are in the world right now . You are one of approximately 77 billion people living on Earth right now according to the US. Advances in medicine and the industrial revolution were the catalysts to the population boom. As you mention in the question we have seen much in the news lately with the election of a new pope about the amount of Catholics in the world. As of today the total population of the world is around 788 billion people. I am only 8 years old and almost 9 but I think I am pretty accurate. Based on the above figures adjusted with the speed of growth and other comparative statistics the approximate number of vegans in the world is less than 1 percent of the world population. ...